SEC. 133. Removal of Wines and distilled Spirits for Treatment of Tobacco Leaf. - Upon issuance of a permit from the Commissioner and subject to the rules and regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Finance, manufacturers of cigars and cigarettes may withdraw from bond, free of excise local and imported wines and distilled spirits in specific quantities and grades for use in the treatment of tobacco leaf to b used in the manufacture of cigars and cigarettes; but such wines and distilled spirits must first be suitably denatured.

SEC. 134. Domestic Denatured Alcohol. - Domestic alcohol of not less than one hundred eighty degrees (180O) proof (ninety percent (90%) absolute alcohol) shall, when suitably denatured and rendered unfit for oral intake, be exempt from the excise tax prescribed in Section 141: Provided, however, That such denatured alcohol shall be subject to tax under Section 106(A) of this Code: Provided, further, That if such alcohol is to be used for motive power, it shall be taxed under Section 148(d) of this Code: Provided, finally, That any alcohol, previously rendered unfit for oral intake after denaturing but subsequently rendered fit or oral intake after undergoing fermentation, dilution, purification, mixture or any other similar process shall be taxed under Section 141 of this Code and such tax shall be paid by the person in possession of such reprocessed spirits.

SEC. 135. Petroleum Products Sold to International Carriers and Exempt Entities or Agencies. - Petroleum products sold to the following are exempt from excise tax:

(a) International carriers of Philippine or foreign registry on their use or consumption outside the Philippines: Provided, That the petroleum products sold to these international carriers shall be stored in a bonded storage tank and may be disposed of only in accordance with the rules and regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of Finance, upon recommendation of the Commissioner;

(b) Exempt entities or agencies covered by tax treaties, conventions and other international agreements for their use of consumption: Provided, however, That the country of said foreign international carrier or exempt entities or agencies exempts from similar taxes petroleum products sold to Philippine carriers, entities or agencies; and

(c) Entities which are by law exempt from direct and indirect taxes.

SEC. 136. Denaturation, Withdrawal and Use of Denatured Alcohol. - Any person who produces, withdraws, sells, transports or knowingly uses, or is in possession of denatured alcohol, or articles containing denatured alcohol in violation of laws or regulations now or hereafter in force pertaining thereto shall be required to pay the corresponding tax, in addition to the penalties provided for under Title X of this Code.

SEC. 137. Removal of Spirits Under Bond for Rectification.- Spirits requiring rectification may be removed from the place of production to another establishment for the purpose of rectification without prepayment of the excise tax: Provided, That the distiller removing such spirits and the rectifier receiving them shall file with the Commissioner their joint bond conditioned upon the payment by the rectifier of the excise tax due on the rectified alcohol: Provided, further, That in cases where alcohol has already been rectified either by original and continuous distillation or by redistillation, no loss for rectification and handling shall be allowed and the rectifier thereof shall pay the excise tax due on such losses: Provided, finally, That where a rectifier makes use of spirits upon which the excise tax has not been paid, he shall be liable for the payment of the tax otherwise due thereon.

SEC. 138. Removal of Fermented Liquors to Bonded Warehouse. - Any brewer may remove or transport from his brewery or other place of manufacture to a bonded warehouse used by him exclusively for the storage or sale in bulk of fermented liquors of his own manufacture, any quantity of such fermented liquors, not less than one thousand (1,000) liters at one removal, without prepayment of the tax thereon under a permit which shall be granted by the Commissioner. Such permit shall be affixed to every package so removed and shall be cancelled or destroyed in such manner as the Commissioner may prescribe. Thereafter, the manufacturer of such fermented liquors shall pay the tax in the same manner and under the same penalty and liability as when paid at the brewery.

SEC. 139. Removal of Damaged Liquors Free of Tax. - When any fermented liquor has become sour or otherwise damaged so as to be unfit for use as such, brewers may sell and after securing a special permit from the Commissioner, under such conditions as may be prescribed in the rules and regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Finance, remove the same without the payment of tax thereon in cask or other packages, distinct from those ordinarily used for fermented liquors, each containing not less than one hundred seventy-five (175) liters with a note of their contents permanently affixed thereon.

SEC. 140. Removal of Tobacco Products without Prepayment of Tax. - Products of tobacco entirely unfit for chewing or smoking may be removed free of tax for agricultural or industrial use, under such conditions as may be prescribed in the rules and regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Finance. Stemmed leaf tobacco, fine-cut shorts, the refuse of fine-cut chewing tobacco, scraps, cuttings, clippings, stems, or midribs, and sweepings of tobacco may be sold in bulk as raw material by one manufacturer directly to another without payment of the tax, under such conditions as may be prescribed in the rules and regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Finance.

'Stemmed leaf tobacco,' as herein used, means leaf tobacco which has had the stem or midrib removed. The term does not include broken leaf tobacco.

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